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Evaluation von »AVA2« im Ausland


»The CD-ROM AVA 2 is a perfect medium for the target groups. Professional groups like doctors and nurses, the police, judges or psychologists are often confronted with victims of domestic violence, but do not know how to tackle the problem, or they do not understand why women do not "simply" leave their violent partners. AVA 2 demonstrates, or for the missing parts shall demonstrate, what women and their children experience in such situations. The recommendations by AVA 2 are very supportive for the daily work of the professionals.... Recommendation We recommend to finish the prototype of AVA 2 as soon as possible, as the distribution of this CD-ROM would help to understand the issue of domestic violence and the impacts on the victim’s lives. The dialogues are very instructive. They show how professional groups could improve their way of handling domestic violence. The understanding and the knowledge how to deal with this social problem is fundamental for the prevention of domestic violence in the long term.... The WAVE co-ordination office fully supports the distribution of the CD-ROMs AVA 1 and AVA 2. These products are a valuable contribution to the prevention of domestic violence against women and their children in Austria and other European countries.«

Birgit Appelt, Verena Kaselitz,
WAVE Project co-ordinators, Vienna

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